Alright, just when I call the Dr and start to worry about dehydration and obsess over how many wet diapers he's having..... the stomach bug decides to leave my house. Praise Jesus and good riddance to the rotovirus! This comes just in time to take him to church this morning (where he may or may not have picked up the virus). Thank you Granna and Papa for 1: coming to see us and 2: babysitting Cooper while Andy and I attended church!!
That was the first time in months that Andy and I have been able to attend both worship service and adult bible study together. It was awesome! The message in worship was on part two of the Beattitudes (Matthew 5:5 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.) and "The Riggler" gave us all a look at just how Jesus is the ultimate comforter/healer in times of mourning. Now most of the time I would have maybe skipped over that verse thinking "oh, that's not really for me right now. No one has died recently in my family, etc." But he really pointed out that yes, that verse is for those mourning over the death of a loved one, however it's also for all of us that are grieving over our sin. Really being heartbroken over the realization of our sins and the separation it causes from our God. And in that realization comes comfort in the form of salvation and forgiveness of our sins. He urged us all to soften our hearts and continually mourn over the sin in our lives. Great message, Riggler!
Isn't it amazing that you can come into church running late and irritated and leave feeling refreshed and revived? Just goes to show how God truly knows what I need, when I need it. Praise you again, Jesus!