Saturday, August 27, 2011

six months just flew the "coop!"

Well, my "baby" boy, Cooper, is now six months old and I can't believe how fast time has gone by.  I still remember the nerve-wracking car ride home from the hospital.  We fumbled with the buckles on the carseat for forever - despite having practiced with them a week earlier!  Every bump, turn and other car on the road had me frazzled by the time we got home. 
I also still remember how tiny those newborn outfits looked when I lovingly washed and ironed EVERY SINGLE ONE for the first time.  And the mixed emotions of sadness and excitement when I finally put those tiny outfits in the "too small" pile. 

I could spend the rest of my life writing about all the firsts, exciting moments, and amazing things that he's done so far.  Every day I look at his little face and really can't imagine how I could love him any more.  And then somehow I do.  It's like the feeling just grows bigger and bigger.  Not that this is a new concept.  Other parents have told me that that's how it happens.  But I just really didn't get it until I experienced it myself.

So for you, Cooper, here is a shortened list of moments that were nothing less than magical!
~ your first smile
~ the day you discovered you have hands. they went straight into your mouth, of course
~ your first bath (a sponge bath - you hated it)
~ your first bath in a real tub (you loved it - and still do!)
~ the first time you laughed out loud
~ the night you first learned you could squeal - LOUDLY (we were in a restaurant and everyone at our table thought it was funny.  the other tables didn't)
~ our countless naps together in daddy's recliner
~ that time you pooped in the bathtub
~ the look of pure joy the first time you jumped in a jumperoo
~ the way you giggle when I tickle you
~ how peaceful you look when you sleep
~ your first taste of cheese - you gagged and we all laughed
~ how you rolled over for the first time and refused to do it again for another month afterwards!
~ that scary moment our first night with you when you didn't pee for 10 hours.  as we picked up the phone to make an emergency call to the hospital, we opened your diaper to check one last time and you pee'd all over the living room carpet.  i was so relieved that i cried and laughed at the same time.
~ how you love to laugh at yourself in the mirror every night after bath
~ the way my heart melts at that sleepy smile you give me every time I come get you out of bed

And the list goes on.....   You amaze me, my son.  I love you.
Love, Mommy.

Cooper as a newborn.

3 months

4 months

5 months

6 months