Monday, October 24, 2011

all kinds of new stuff

On Thursday Cooper started babbling!  Babababababa and sometimes I could hear dada and mama!  Andy was so upset that he missed it all.  He also started shaking his head "no" around the same time.  I don't know what made him so excited to try out his communication skills, but he really got it going this week!!  He is so cute when he's talking too. 

Cooper and I flew to Jackson to visit family this week.  It has been a good visit, but Cooper started out sick and I ended up sick.  :(   We drove to Birmingham to introduce him to my grandmother (Cooper's great grandmother) over the weekend.  She had such a good time seeing him.  I only wished that we could have spent more time with her. 

Cooper got to spend the night with Granna on his last night in Jackson.  I think that she had a really good time.  She must have played really hard with him and wore him out because he slept late and has taken two really good naps today!  I know he's had such a good time with all of his grandparents.  Grandad, Grammie, Granna, Papa Bear, and Mimi!  And of course, Uncle Matt too.  He loves his Uncle Matt.  :)

Next month we've get to see everyone again, but we've got to go see Uncle Nathan, Aunt Nicki and Bella and Andy's Granny and Grandad.  Cooper has so many loved ones to visit with in Mississippi!  Hopefully we will all be well next time so we can see everyone.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

anchors aweigh

Halleluiah, Praise God it has been raining in Texas for two days!! Our Sunday has turned into a rain day and that's awesome. If we do happen to float away, I'm going to let this little guy steer the boat.  ;)

Captain Cooper!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

barking baby

There's not much Cooper has done so far to mimic us. I keep waving "hi" and "bye." I even try some sign language at feeding times - more, all done, hungry? I think he understands hungry, but only when I say it. I tell him "mama" and "dada" all day long, only to get a loud shriek in return.  (Oh, he's got the shriek down pat - sometimes we have shrieking contests when it's just Cooper and me around.) I do think we caught him clapping a couple of times but not really in response to us. 

And then yesterday it happened - he started mimicking... THE DOG!  Yes, I caught him barking.  You may not believe me, so see for yourself.  It goes like this:  Cooper and I are playing upstairs.  All is quiet.  Roscoe begins barking.  Then I hear a faint "ah ah ah ah ah" from Cooper.  Over and over and louder and louder until Roscoe stops.  I think, "well that's unusual.  Surely he's not doing that because of the barking."  But then it happens again.  10 minutes of silence from Cooper and all of a sudden Roscoe starts barking. And so does Cooper.  Huh.  What do you think?  World's cutest barking baby?  I think yes.  :)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

more pictures!

A few pictures...

with Papa Bear's hat

daddy and cooper

riding in my car!!

grammie and cooper

papa bear and cooper

granna and cooper